What’s on the ballot in MissourI
Missourians can take back our freedom on November 5th.
Just minutes after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Missouri became the first state to enforce an abortion ban—with no exceptions for rape, incest, or when the woman’s health is at risk. Voting YES on Amendment 3 ends the ban so that Missourians have the freedom to make their own decisions about pregnancy and abortion, without politicians interfering.
Do your own research—get the facts about Amendment 3 here.
Why voting yes on 3 matters
Missouri’s abortion ban goes too far—and it’s hurting women and families.
Doctors are being forced to wait for patients’ conditions to get worse before treating them, and women who are miscarrying are being turned away from emergency rooms. Women are being denied the care they need, even rape and incest survivors and women with dangerous pregnancy complications.
Politicians shouldn’t force their beliefs on other people or get involved in personal decisions better left to patients and their doctors. Voting YES on 3 will save women’s lives and get politicians out of our exam rooms.
Learn more about the consequences of Missouri’s abortion ban:
These are the facts
Voting yes on Amendment 3 will end Missouri’s abortion ban.
Amendment 3 will ensure patients seeking abortions—including survivors of rape and incest, women who are miscarrying, and those with pregnancy complications—get the care they need without delays or burdensome restrictions.
Read the full text of the amendment here.
Does the amendment allow abortion at any point in pregnancy?
The amendment allows limits on abortion after fetal viability, with protections to ensure the health and safety of patients.
What is meant by “reproductive health care”?
The amendment creates a right to reproductive freedom that includes prenatal and postpartum care, care during childbirth, birth control, IVF, abortion, and miscarriage care.

Missourians and their families deserve the freedom to make their own decisions about pregnancy and abortion.
Vote YES on Amendment 3 by November 5th to end Missouri’s abortion ban.